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Text File
236 lines
by Dick Heckert
This is a free-form database mangagement program. If you have used a
file cabinet, you can use this program to save and recall all sorts of
information. This electronic file cabinet contains up to 15 drawers. Each
drawer can contain up to 50 files, and each file can contain up to 50 pages
of text. You may search all of the drawers or just one to find the subject
of interest.
The system is set up just like the office file cabinet: Each drawer has
a name, each file in the drawer has a name, and the pages in each file are
numbered. Just as in the office file cabinet, you should decide before you
start how the file system should be organized. Then start naming drawers
and files for your system.
Generally you can reach the MAIN MENU by pressing ESC key at the upper
left of the keyboard. When the program first loads, you will see the main
menu with the following options:
Search For A Match
See Files In Drawer
Add To Files List
Disk Command
Change Drive
Sort File List
Edit Drawer List
Each option is described below.
Press RETURN while this option is highlighted to search your files for
a certain search word or part of a word. You have the option of searching
all File DRAWERS or a SINGLE DRAWER for your search word. The file pages
are searched and any line with a match is shown in the data window. The
path to the match is then shown in green indicating the name of the file and
the drawer where the match was found. At the end of the search, you are
given an option to print out the list of matches and paths.
Cursor down to this option and press RETURN. The list of DRAWERS on
the current disk are shown in the menu window. Use the CRSR keys and RETURN
to choose the Drawer. The list of files in that drawer are then shown in
the menu window where you can cursor down to your choice and press RETURN.
The first 20 files are shown. When you cursor to the bottom of the list any
additional files come into view. Hit RETURN to select and the file is then
shown in the data window starting at Page 1. The page number and the total
number of pages in the file are shown at the lower right of the screen.
You are now in EDIT MODE and the available commands are shown in the
menu window. You can press [+] or [-] to see the pages available in the
file. If you want to make changes to a certain page press [e]. To return
to the MAIN MENU press the ESC key. To search this file press [s], and to
print out the page or the whole file press [p].
[+]: Each time you press [+] you are shown the text on the next page
until you reach a blank page (such as page 5 of 4). You can then press [e]
to start a new page of data.
[-]: Press the [-] key to back up through the file until you reach page
[e]: When you wish to make a change on a page, press the [e] key and a
cursor will appear in the data window. You may cursor around, type over or
add data, you may clear the whole window (Shift CLR), you can insert a blank
line with ESC i, (press the ESC key and then the [i] key), erase to the end
of the line with ESC q, and edit text as you would on the computer screen.
The TAB key works as you would expect. Insert pushes text to the right
(don't push too far), delete pulls text to the left and so on. If you
decide you made a mistake and want to start over, press [F7] to restore the
text that was on the page when you first entered the window. When you have
finished, just press [F1] and the screen will be read into memory.
After the Screen Read is complete, you are asked if you would like to
save the file to disk. If you plan to make other changes to the same file
answer [n], otherwise answer with a [y] and the whole file will be saved.
[s]: With a long file, you may want to search for a particular search
word or part of a word by pressing [s]. After you enter the word, each time
the word appears in the file, the page is shown and the line with the word
included is highlighted in yellow. If you want to continue the search,
press SPACE, otherwise press RETURN to stop at the current page.
[p]: To send data to the printer, press [p]. Your options are to print
the current page or the whole file. Make sure your printer is on and ready.
You also have the option to set the left margin before printing. If the
current setting is correct just hit RETURN, otherwise enter the new margin.
The third option on the MAIN MENU allows you to add filenames to the
list associated with the file DRAWER picked from the drawer menu. You are
shown the current list in the data window and asked for the new filename.
Enter the new name and press RETURN and you are given the option of adding
another name or saving the new list to the disk. Again, you can return to
the MAIN MENU by pressing ESC. If you pick save, you are given the option
to sort the list first.
The fourth option on the MAIN MENU allows you to send a disk command to
the current disk drive. These commands are the basic commands such as
viewing a directory, changing the partition, validating a disk, scratching a
file (use the whole file name), or formatting a disk. To view the directory
of the disk in the current drive, enter [$] at the command prompt.
To open a partition on a 1581 disk drive, enter:[/:name] with the name
of the partition. To return to the root directory just enter: [/] or pop
the disk out of the drive and then put it back in. To change partitions in
RAMLink, enter: [cp#] (change partition) where # is the number of the
Use this to switch to any active drive numbered between 8 and 30. In
addition, the program will load the "config" file from that disk to agree
with the files stored there. If there is no "config" file, the previous
DRAWER list will be used.
When you have a lot of files in a drawer, it helps to put them in
alphabetical order to make them easier to find. You are also given this
option after adding new filenames.
This option on the MAIN MENU allows you to edit the list of drawers to
suit your own needs. The current list is shown in the data window and you
are in EDIT MODE. You can CLR the whole window and start from scratch (F7
will restore if you want to start over with the original). You can cursor
anywhere on the screen and change names or erase them by using the SPACE
bar. When you are finished, press F1 and the screen will be read into
memory where it can be saved to the current disk. Each Drawer name is
limited to 25 characters. If you use more than 25, the extra characters are
Up to 15 drawers can be named by the user, or you can use the default
list. When you EDIT the DRAWER names to suit your needs, you may save the
list to disk in a file named "config". Each time the program loads it looks
for that file to set up your DRAWER MENU. When you change drives or
partitions, the "config" file from the new disk or partition is read. This
way you can have different disks with different drawers of information. Set
up your data disk with your own titles before you start your lists of files.
Access to files depends on the position of the title of the drawer, not the
name itself: the first drawer has a "list 1" file with all the names of the
files associated with the first title on the DRAWER MENU. If you reorder
the names later, you will have to rename the file on the disk to agree with
the new order on the menu. Place the most used drawer at the top of the
Each file drawer can contain up to 50 files. These file names are
listed in the file list associated with the file drawer. You supply these
names as you need them. You may add to the list at any time you are viewing
the main menu. Just